Well. I'm still on tour. Here are some random (and out of order, sorry, I'm really bad at formatting on this blog-thing) pictures from what we have been up to recently.
Ok, so this is NOT recent, but early in our tour we walked through what was essentially a blizzard in Philadelphia to get to our venue. What dedication.

In Daniel's absence, I am forced to consume enormous plates of nachos.

Ok... so here's the out of order part. Some how a couple pictures of DC ended up here, although the rest of the DC pics are at the end of this post. Consider these teasers... :)

We get oh so bored at the hotels. One night, Erin and I had an evening of beauty,
and the boys were so jealous, they decided to join in.
Who says pore-minimizing face masks are just for the ladies?

The motivation for this picture to be taken was me pointing out that the cookies one venue provided for us were FAR inferior to basically everything Mom makes.

"Mom's are better."
In Georgia, our cargo van broke down and we had to use a UHaul.
No one felt that fantastic about this.
It looks like Talia is happy in this picture, but she isn't really.

While waiting for the van to be towed, Erin and I wandered Savannah on our own, taking Forrest Gump-inspired pictures.

"Mama always told me life was like a box of chocolates..."
Finally, the cargo van is towed.

...Including her enormous collection of gorgeous copper cookware!!!
I thought of stealing it, but didn't feel like spending the rest of tour in jail.

Back in DC again (I told you these were out of order!) and it is SUPER hot.
"Jeremy! Wear your sunscreen!!"

I miss Florida!
(Erin pointed out that this is at a war memorial, so I shouldn't look so happy. Oh well.)

"Hey! Take a picture of me and the Washington Monument!"
"Um, Alisha, the monument is on the other side."

"Much better."

* Love and kisses to all!! Can't wait to visit when tour is over! *