Tuesday, November 3, 2009

monty python in the city


so for Halloween, Daniel and I were King Arthur and the Killer Rabbit from Monty Python's classic film: "Monty Python and the Holy Grail".

we roamed the streets of nyc in style:

but first we had some pizza. even killer bunnies like a change of cuisine once in a while.

our friend Greg was Bruno and had these crazy seven-inch-high platform boots, which i of course tried on. finally, Daniel got some height competition.

i have nasty big sharp pointy teeth!!


actual footage from the film:
but seriously, we were so proud of our costumes. Daniel sewed his tunic himself, and i even drew the sun emblem on it. cause we're awesome. and making your own costumes is so much cooler than buying them.

YAY! Halloween in the city!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

love in the city

So, it's February! Mom came to visit, which was awesome, and pictures will hopefully be posted soon....(right Dad?!)...and Daniel and I had a lovely Valentine's Day, and pictures of that will also be posted soon... but for now, to appease, I offer up a small selection of early February photos:

Baby Girl and Lil Mama at "The Duplex", a bar/cabaret place where 
our friend Cathleen was doing a little one-woman show, 
which was really great. 

This person read Jake's palm. What good fortune!

My pretty friends.

Allison, Brittney and myself at Brittney's place in Astoria for 
our pre-Valentine's Friday the 13th "Unlucky in Love" party. 
The theme was: Wear Black.

We are so good at following themes! Yay, theatre people!

Although it looks staged, I think we were genuinely laughing at something.

Friday the 13th makes Allison grumpy.

This is our "black is slimming" picture.

My Valentine!

More Valentine's Day documentation forthcoming, I promise! :)

Thursday, January 29, 2009

MLK in the city

So Martin Luther King Day in Harlem was truly an experience to experience. We went to a real soul food place on Lenox Ave. called Miss Maude's Spoonbread. George wore his grill.

The cornbread was divine, and the waiter just kept bringing us more.

Georgie feeding me some of his chicken. And yes, they did bring my coke in a bottle. I think the waiter actually went next door to the Arab guy's convenience store to buy the bottle. 
I'm not kidding, I think he did.

Fried chicken, green beans, mac and cheese, any questions?

And of course, Rashiki got ribs.

First bite of delicious delicious black people food.

Collard greens!! (This is for you, Mom.) 

Danny only looks squeamish about the food, he really loved it.

Debilitating food coma.

Subway ride back to 148th street. The man was bringing George down.


Jew brotha.

It didn't really work out, but George was tossing snow up into the air. 
But he just looks like a magician on a cruise ship.

Finally, the full effect.

Your eyes do not deceive you. That IS a Catholic saint candle of a black saint purchased merely days before by Jake and myself at Pathmark.
Who knew?

I think George might be praying for more Benjamins.

Jake was just trying to call his boo.

I made an attempt at a costume. 
The jeans I'm wearing were actually purchased at Forever 21 for $12 dollars, so...

Daniel had to work that night, unfortunately (unlike the rest of us, he's not on food stamps) so he came to the party late. He did, however, make a valiant attempt to fit into our surroundings. I'm still not sure if he would have made it on the streets.

All in all, an excellent MLK day- but we all missed the usual party... 
and we all missed and talked about Mom a lot. :)

Friday, January 16, 2009

UF in the city

We might be theatre people, but that doesn't mean we can't go to a bar and eat wings and watch a Gator game, dammit! And we will wear t-shirts that promote musicals, dammit! Because we're still theatre people!

Aren't they sexy?

Aren't we ALL sexy? :)

we WON! (obviously).

And now on to Lauren's Birthday Brunch....

She's 26! ahhh! (ps. we're all getting old, it's terrifying.)

the ORIGINALS. we started it all seven years ago. and now we're hotter. and better dressed.

i mean, how could you not think we're adorable?

random person i have run into #47: Christy Caruso, who was on my study abroad to Italy back in freshman year and also happens to be friends with La, and now works at Sotheby's in NYC and hence, was at her birthday. 
NYC is so much smaller than you think. Already I have (literally) RUN into my friends Lara, Briana and Alesia from summer stock, Ricky Dunlop, saw Ed from B Street on the train, and now Christy. Crazy.

Auld Lang Syne in the city

We are way to classy to freeze in Times Square, so we hit up a few swanky parties in the city to ring in 2009... proving an age-old adage: you can't party hop using public transit.

THESE two:
a) have teamed up as the responsible parties in charge of making sure Rishky and I arrive places on time.
b) are usually ready first.
c) already have the directions written down.
d) all of the above.

We are a fearsome foursome. And once again, Daniel appears to be chaperoning. 

The new and VERY much improved cast of Schplunk! The Musical.
(this was taken at Chelsea and La's apt)

Billy Flynn pic 2009!

I'm standing on a chair.

new years eve kiss! gross, i know.

Allison and Lauren ... we were at Lauren's apt in midtown.

Rishky and me.

Gosh we're sexy. Note Rishky's festive scarf.

Daniel was taking his job as photographer very seriously.

And now we just think we're models...

At some point in the evening, Allison and I decided to try on each other's shoes.
Also, i feel that we are way too cute in this picture, no? 

The walk to the 3 train. If your question is: Were Allison's legs cold? 
the answer is a resounding: Yes. I mean, heck, Jake's legs were cold.