Thursday, January 29, 2009

MLK in the city

So Martin Luther King Day in Harlem was truly an experience to experience. We went to a real soul food place on Lenox Ave. called Miss Maude's Spoonbread. George wore his grill.

The cornbread was divine, and the waiter just kept bringing us more.

Georgie feeding me some of his chicken. And yes, they did bring my coke in a bottle. I think the waiter actually went next door to the Arab guy's convenience store to buy the bottle. 
I'm not kidding, I think he did.

Fried chicken, green beans, mac and cheese, any questions?

And of course, Rashiki got ribs.

First bite of delicious delicious black people food.

Collard greens!! (This is for you, Mom.) 

Danny only looks squeamish about the food, he really loved it.

Debilitating food coma.

Subway ride back to 148th street. The man was bringing George down.


Jew brotha.

It didn't really work out, but George was tossing snow up into the air. 
But he just looks like a magician on a cruise ship.

Finally, the full effect.

Your eyes do not deceive you. That IS a Catholic saint candle of a black saint purchased merely days before by Jake and myself at Pathmark.
Who knew?

I think George might be praying for more Benjamins.

Jake was just trying to call his boo.

I made an attempt at a costume. 
The jeans I'm wearing were actually purchased at Forever 21 for $12 dollars, so...

Daniel had to work that night, unfortunately (unlike the rest of us, he's not on food stamps) so he came to the party late. He did, however, make a valiant attempt to fit into our surroundings. I'm still not sure if he would have made it on the streets.

All in all, an excellent MLK day- but we all missed the usual party... 
and we all missed and talked about Mom a lot. :)

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