So Martin Luther King Day in Harlem was truly an experience to experience. We went to a real soul food place on Lenox Ave. called Miss Maude's Spoonbread. George wore his grill.
Georgie feeding me some of his chicken. And yes, they did bring my coke in a bottle. I think the waiter actually went next door to the Arab guy's convenience store to buy the bottle.
I'm not kidding, I think he did.
Jew brotha.
It didn't really work out, but George was tossing snow up into the air.
But he just looks like a magician on a cruise ship.
Finally, the full effect.
Your eyes do not deceive you. That IS a Catholic saint candle of a black saint purchased merely days before by Jake and myself at Pathmark.
Who knew?
I think George might be praying for more Benjamins.
Jake was just trying to call his boo.
I made an attempt at a costume.
The jeans I'm wearing were actually purchased at Forever 21 for $12 dollars, so...
Daniel had to work that night, unfortunately (unlike the rest of us, he's not on food stamps) so he came to the party late. He did, however, make a valiant attempt to fit into our surroundings. I'm still not sure if he would have made it on the streets.
All in all, an excellent MLK day- but we all missed the usual party...
and we all missed and talked about Mom a lot. :)